Chronic Logic

Pontifex => New Levels => Topic started by: Darkwolf9 on November 05, 2001, 04:36:12 PM

Title: IMPORTANT: Level Designers
Post by: Darkwolf9 on November 05, 2001, 04:36:12 PM
Being that it is a grid and not so much a texture for a level, I would recommend having it as the last available texture.  (so what would that be? 34?)

Just a thought.


Title: IMPORTANT: Level Designers
Post by: falkon2 on October 26, 2001, 07:58:16 AM
In order that our various map packs do not overlap each other, I think it would be wise to start off a thread which records who has done what map packs, what they're called, what texture slots have been used, etc.

I vote that since we're going to be adding textures in continuously, we sort of start a "texture pool" that will be shared by all the map packs. If not, the maps are going to look weird using another map pack's set of textures.

Currently, the latest texture pack, (lets call it v2.0) is the one provided with DWN's map pack. It uses texture slots 02-07.

I'd advise everybody to get this pack, and when more mappacks are released, the additional custom textures will be added to this pack, and everyone downloads the latest version. By having a singular texture pack, we avoid the most disturbing of graphical mishaps =). If you're making a map pack and you want to use custom textures, post so here, and you'll be assigned texture slots

So, Current level packs (texture requirements stated if any):

Simple Levels - level01-16
Complex Levels - clevel01-16

Map Pack 1 - mpack101-16
Map Pack 2 (DarkWolfNine's Map Pack) - DWN01-16 -v2.0

Latest Texture Pack:

Title: IMPORTANT: Level Designers
Post by: Darkwolf9 on October 26, 2001, 09:28:20 PM
I agree.  I like the idea of a texture pool except, I think instead of making everyone append to mine, for example, we could label each texture slot available.  So our texture packs can be interchangeable, w/o looking to wierd.  For example.  My Text005.bmp is a grass texture. and my Text004 is (top gravel - bottom grass).

Something to that effect so that If someone doesn't like my grass texture they can create a texture pack replacing Text005.bmp w/ another grass texture.  That way we don't use up like 5 texture slots w/ different grass textures. And secondly, My maps will still look okay (if they replaced all the textures with the similar style.) with someone else's texture pack.    

Does this make sense? Not sure if it came out the way I was thinking it.   Otherwise, love this thread.  I will definately let you know when my next map pack comes out.  


P.S. My Texture Example:
<img src="" width=600 height=463>

(Edited by Darkwolf9 at 2:36 pm on Oct. 26, 2001)

Title: IMPORTANT: Level Designers
Post by: JohnK on October 26, 2001, 09:44:19 PM
I understand, each of the 32 slots will have a type of texture assigned to it:
(ex. 05 = grass type, 32 = lunar moon surface :)). whenever someone wants to make thier own textures, they would place it in the one closest to the description. I would still like to see a "master texture pack" that has 32 of the best textures in one place, this would give "amature" level designers one pack of really good and diverse textures to work with.
Someone might wan't to come up with a text file that lists how this system might work and get CL (if they want) to host it on the member site, so everyone will have a copy of the "guidlines" for texture packs. Good suggestions, both of you, and sorry for all the quotes. :)

(Edited by kvinge at 4:48 pm on Oct. 26, 2001)

Title: IMPORTANT: Level Designers
Post by: Darkwolf9 on October 26, 2001, 11:13:27 PM
Kvinge, I agree. I think that after enough textures have been created, we can get together and come up w/ the best grass texture for 5, etc. And make like a master texture pack. But that would still give us the ability to design our own.  But I like it.


Title: IMPORTANT: Level Designers
Post by: falkon2 on October 27, 2001, 01:54:30 AM
Good idea! When choices become available, we'll start another thread to vote on which textures to use. I've started off my own map pack, and I'm using slots 08-10

Updated first post

Title: IMPORTANT: Level Designers
Post by: mendel on November 05, 2001, 12:46:42 AM
Please, please, please, falkon, can I have slot 10?
It's for a 10x10 grid, so the name would be really mnemonic.
(I need to measure things exactly, so I made a meter grid).

I really don't mind if anyone redesigns this totally as long as it's still a 10x10 grid to measure by :)

Title: IMPORTANT: Level Designers
Post by: falkon2 on November 05, 2001, 08:05:04 AM
Argh! I was already using slots 8-10 for my map pack (A couple of levels already have this implemented)

But why not slot 20? =) 10 + 10 =20