His quality to explodes an unit is good, no matter how many lifes it has.
For example, when he explode the Heretic, the ability of the Heretic, "lower enemy army's life by 1", doesn't work. Thats really great because the unit explodes, blast away, not even chicken meat.
But its adverse with other units like Mourner, Berseker and Martyr. The berseker still can finish his last actions and the Diabolist dies when explodes the Martyr.
My suggestion is simpel, if the Diabolist explode an unit, the unit is gone without doing anything anymore.
Units arround the exploding is an other story, they will be have damage for 4. In this case same reaction has attacking for 4.
The tooltip does state that the unit dies, so it should trigger any on death effects that the unit has. Completely removing the unit from the game without effects would probably make this unit too powerful for how much it cost.
If this is the case then the ability of the Heretic most also going on, and lowers the enemy army's life by 1.
I think we must have a clear vision on this without exceptions.
(NozeM @ Oct. 31 2008,02:12)
If this is the case then the ability of the Heretic most also going on, and lowers the enemy army's life by 1.
I think we must have a clear vision on this without exceptions.
The Heretics ability is set to trigger on damage. Since the unit targeted doesn't take damage his ability doesn't trigger. However units who have "On Death" effects still have those abilities trigger.
I hope that clears it up for you
I still dont understand in this case??
You say, if you killed the Heretic at once, the trigger isn't work?
Thats wrong, all other units who kill the Heretic at once, like Warlock or other 5 power units, ends with 1 life less.
Plz explane this, I just want to have a general reaction for this game.
It's because the explosion does no damage to the unit it is targeting.
If the warlock does enough damage to kill the heretic in 1 shot it will still trigger the heretics ability because it is doing damage.
The Diabolist's ability says "Unit Dies" this means that it is instantly killed no matter what its health is, NOT by doing damage equal to or greater then it's health.
Thx for the explanation.
I think its how you looked at it, if an unit have the power to kill it at once, I think there is no damage.
In this way even the Dragon makes damage first.
I can live with it but its not my logical.
The Axeman's execute and I believe the Assassin's execute also don't trigger it.
I don't know about the golem's attack. The golem's attack is special because it will even work on inanimate objects. Although that is not mentioned anywhere in the move list.
Golem should not trigger heretics ability, I haven't tested it, but it does not do damage so the ability should not trigger.
golems don't trigger it.... golem also has the ability to kill ANYTHING in ONE hit without triggering damage effects.