Welcome to the brand new virtually unbeatable constructed deck! All due to the unkillable changeling!
Deck contents of unbeatable constructed deck:
- 2 changeling
- 1 engineer
- 1 barracks
- 2 general
- 2 tacs
- 1 gateguard
How the deck is unbeatable:
Rush 1 changeling up as far as possable. There you immediately kill anything that is a threat. There is nothing that should stop this. Meanwhile, on turn 2, your entire army is out and you can start making soldiers for protection.
I also failed to mention that changeling all he needs to win, is be 1 square away from opponent's base and then its swap and autowin.
(1) Is Immune to all damage (not effects).
(2) Changeling has 10hp.
(3) Is Immune to all special effects (not damage)
playing ai is funky whn it deploys changling hoardes as well..... eats up ur alrdy dwarfed commands vs ai.
thank you for fixing this. Although, I feel already that most of the units descriptions are already too complex and confusing. Not me, but think from a newbie perspective.
yes i like the new changling. took me a few games to notice it.... wondered how my warrior was running changlings down hehe.
After long thought on this, I think the new changeling is a bit too powerful for $150. A $200 changeling is more fitting, but I was thinking that changing it to range 5 (vs.6) would be the best solution. It just seems too powerful to grab a sorcerer in random, use it then not be able to hose the sorcrer or changeling to when it steals back.
The other option I'm seeing is changling could also swap units with enemy unit (enemy unit is unusable same turn, but also changeling must wait 1 full turn to change back).
After lots of more testing, changing the changeling to range 5 is a must needed change for this piece. Too many games with changeling end up stalemate scenarios due to the swap can occur from long distances. But far more important is the ability for units to have the chance to kill the changeling before it swaps, ergo range 5 is needed here.
I'm not going to lie. I dont like this unit.
I'm not saying it isn't balanced, or doesn't give interesting tactics.
But....the unit breaks reality a bit too much. Its like watching a movie that uses time travel as an excuse for its plot.
Personally I'm a big fan of ambiance. I like a game to feel all within its genre and the changeling is very bizaare.
On top of that its a key unit for high level solo play because the computer doesnt use units it steals like we do. So its a insano piece that is vital in some types of play, not good imo, sorry.
Edit: I think if a changling acted as a Mimic but killed its target, that would make for much less crazy games. Range 3, kill target and become a copy of the target. Once only.
i love the changeling, it is a unit that isn't that easy to use vs other players. it is tricky. I dont think it is too strong in random. and i'm not that good in constructed to judge it :'( and yeah, vs the AI it is vital.
Changeling is one of very pieces that can actually defeat a level 300+ AI in CO-OP or SINGLE. It is underprcied for it's $150 pricetag, but it isn't overpowerful. A range of 5 vs 6 would make it exactly what it is worth.
But, I agree with you Wakrob. I'm not a fan of this type of unit at all conceptually. Strategically, it makes sense. But again, I would prefer to be beating my opponent with a real "army" vs having some X-men army with super powers to whatever they want to make up. There is a reason this is supposed to be set in medieval times not sci-fi.
Quote from: mongolian on May 08, 2009, 01:49:46 PM
Changeling is one of very pieces that can actually defeat a level 300+ AI in CO-OP or SINGLE. It is underprcied for it's $150 pricetag, but it isn't overpowerful. A range of 5 vs 6 would make it exactly what it is worth.
But, I agree with you Wakrob. I'm not a fan of this type of unit at all conceptually. Strategically, it makes sense. But again, I would prefer to be beating my opponent with a real "army" vs having some X-men army with super powers to whatever they want to make up. There is a reason this is supposed to be set in medieval times not sci-fi.
Mongolian, i know the changeling is not much sense. But this unit really make the game very less boring and more strategical. I like the fantasy behind such units like the changeling, its not medieval, but whats the problem? I like the changeling, i really do. This is some of the fun-more units in this game. I hope the big problem is behind the indestructibility in the turn it is traded. I think it should be only immune to everything the traded unit does, instead of everything at all.
Quote from: mongolian on May 08, 2009, 01:49:46 PM
I would prefer to be beating my opponent with a real "army" vs having some X-men army with super powers to whatever they want to make up. There is a reason this is supposed to be set in medieval times not sci-fi.
i would prefer some more crazy environment. it would be cool if there were some modern things too. it would be fun to use tanks vs wizards or something like that ;D I think I'll make some modern units :P
I played against someone who didnt understand, why there are jumping elephants in zatikon :D why elephants jump big? it was funny ;D
Tanks vs wizards? ::) Not that much ^^