d10 - 70000
d11 - 73820
d12 - 45242
Can't get d13 to work! *&$&#&&$ =)
d14 = 189247
d15 = 43548
d16 = 299394
My bridge in map 16 is odd when using no delay. Sometimes 1 link breaks, sometimes it doesn't.
d07 = 53312
*Attacks aggresively*
d14 - 186906
d15 - 41254
d16 - 266428
I still can't get 13 to work. ARRGH
d08 = 45866
I've built number 7 with 52878, but it behaved oddly. When using normal speed 2 links breaks on the 3rd pass. When using fast speed 1 link breaks on the 1st pass and another breaks on the 2nd pass.
Conclusion: When using normal speed it calculates more per simulation second than on fast speed.
dwn09 - 64884
dwn15 - 31338
d01 = 28577
d04 = 16080
Thought I'd raise Falkon's mood a little...
DWN01 - 28180 (Edit: doh, didn't know the latest record...)
DWN02 - ####! had 14308 the day the pack was released! Should've looked at my results earlier, Doh!
DWN08 - 45382
DWN09 - 51692
I suggest we call the levels DWNxx, or dwnxx, not dxx, since I use dxx for the demo levels, and map pack level names should be more precise IMO anyway ...
(Edited by Gray at 2:45 pm on Nov. 7, 2001)
dwn08 - 45284
DWN12: 42163
falkon2's DWN04 bridge for unfortunately broke links sometimes when started with a very short delay. I corrected it for ย...
DWN04: 13978 (corrected falkon2's bridge)
But mom, I got 28577 first for d1 =) (check the master list). I guess if you let me share your record for s6, I'd consider letting you share this record =) (Yes, I did get the same exact value you did for s6)
regardless, d04 - 15994
(Edited by falkon2 at 9:35 am on Nov. 2, 2001)
DWN01 - 22558
dwn08 - 44004
DWN15: 32652
falkon's record wasn't unbeatable, as it turned out...
DWN15 - 36310
Did you ignore teh anchors on the left? Thats illegal =P
Question: Links are not allowed to go through land in this level?
DWN09: 63552 (mod of Gernot's mod of my old record bridge)
DWN11: 57258 (if you try to improve it, beware, some variations break links, but do so very rarely!)
(Edited by Gray at 2:28 pm on Sep. 7, 2002)
DWN15 - 32874
*guards territory jealously*
Really? Oh bugger... Do i have to attach something there? Does this something have to be attached to the rest of the bridge?
My opinion: Links are never allowed to go through land in edit mode (if it's a clean bridge).
DWN 03:
DWN 05:
d01 - 28577
d02 - 14308
d03 - 33320
d04 - 16164
d05 - 49846
d06 - 30832
d07 - 73302
d08 - 46164
d09 - 72356
Read teh rules of teh mission pack.. its the second post in this thread =)
DWN04 - 13960. THis should be illegal, like the record for s04. No, actually I think this is far more corny than s04 =)
dwn08 - 42468
My opinion: Links are never allowed to go through land in edit mode (if it's a clean bridge).
DWN14: 171961
DWN16: 199644
A very poorly made bridges, just so that there's something for everyone to improve

(Edited by Gray at 2:23 pm on Sep. 13, 2002)
d10 = 75034
d11 = 77751
d12 = 46283
d13 = 59166 (Clean untill a minute or so after the train has passed)
DWN04 - 15476
*invades fearlessly*
Rulez for the DWN MapPack(s):
The Train:
1) MUST have Track under it at all times, whether it is from the level itself or the bridge(s) you are creating. No running it on Grass, etc. (Now that wouldn't be realistic, would it)
I felt that I didn't want to force the people to use all my track textures in the levels because if they wanted to do it the hard way, I feel they should have the option to.
Other than that one Rule, have fun.
DWN03: 31024 (had this for ages, just noticed it's a record)
DOH!!! I looked at the wrong list.
d01 = 27981
*Dropping paratroops unnoticed*
DWN05 - 45835
and don't forget
DWN01 - 22558
DWN01: 27961
DWN07: 52674
DWN10: 60176
Looks like Dreadnough is out

BTW, I just noticed that no bridge on DWN6 can be clean - the track goes all the way into the water and it has to be used, right? :biggrin:
(Edited by Gray at 6:26 pm on Sep. 5, 2002)
(Edited by Gray at 7:05 pm on Sep. 5, 2002)
ARGH... SORRY. Didn't pay attention to the textures. (The player should be able to lay tracks for money...)
My LEGAL scores are:
DWN01 - 28251 (gets beaten by Dreadnough's) - Are beams going through terrain allowed?)
DWN09 - 65148
I don't see that... are you using the texture enhanced version? Anyway...
DWN06: 30000 exactly! How cool is that!
Nope, was using the standard one... Has this minor glitch... The enhanced one is flawless, though.
BTW, that bridge IS way cool.
(Edited by Gray at 4:14 pm on Sep. 6, 2002)
Now that the contest is over:
DWN01 - 29019
DWN02 - 14308
Oops forgot the link
EDIT: DWN says that a rule applies for all his map packs - The train:
1) MUST cross every track texture on the level, with the exception of levels where there is no anchor at the end of a track (i.e. one-way jump levels)
2) CANNOT go over land pieces without a track texture, no exceptions
(Edited by falkon2 at 10:34 pm on Oct. 30, 2001)
DWN03 - 0
For once I can say with complete confidence, I don't think this will be beaten!
Master Scores List (Just so you folks know it exists. Bookmark it =)
(Edited by falkon2 at 7:01 am on Oct. 31, 2001)
d01 = 28735
d03 = 34878
d04 = 16614
d05 = 63032
d06 = 41788
d07 = 77278
d08 = 48446
d09 = 76320
Great mappack DarkWolfNine!
(Edited by Dreadnough at 4:40 pm on Oct. 31, 2001)
EDIT: DWN says that a rule applies for all his map packs - The train:
1) MUST cross every track texture on the level, with the exception of levels where there is no anchor at the end of a track (i.e. one-way jump levels)
2) CANNOT go over land pieces without a track texture, no exceptions
Awwww!! hehe fair enough, knew it was too good to be true :-D
[edit]...and I just found out I was still playing the beta lol
DWN03 - 34642 and this time I'm keeping my dumb mouth shut. [/edit]
(Edited by Chillum at 2:30 am on Nov. 1, 2001)
DWN03 30064