Chronic Logic
News => Chronic Logic News => Topic started by: Chronic Logic - Josiah on June 27, 2007, 07:52:32 PM
Chronic Logic announces Bridge Construction Set v1.35 for Windows, OSX and Linux released and on sale for 50% off for one day only!

June 27th, 2007 - Santa Cruz, California - For the 24 hours of June 30th you can get the award winning game Bridge Construction Set for only $9.95. Chronic Logic and Game du Jour are proud to offer the Independent Games Festival's Audience award winner of 2003 Bridge Construction Set at the discounted price of $9.95. This special price will only be good during June 30th through Game du Jour ( On June 30th be sure to check out for One Day, One Game, One Incredible Deal, Bridge Construction Set for only $9.95. If you have been waiting to get the full version of Bridge Construction Set now is your chance, If you know someone who might be interested please let them know. Once again this deal will only be good for the 24 hours of June 30th, so don't miss out!
Game du Jour
One Deeply Discounted Game a day:
About Bridge Construction Set:
Building a bridge that doesn't break is what it's all about, although watching your bridge creation break and plunge a train into the watery depths below can be half the fun. In Bridge Construction Set you design and build bridges and then stress test them to see how your creations hold up under pressure. When test vehicles pass over your bridge and make it safely across you know you've succeeded. If they plummet into the river you know you need to go back to the drawing board. The robust physics deployed in Bridge Construction Set let you build a wide variety of bridges. Try your hand giant suspension bridges or complex draw bridges, multi-level train and automobile bridges and everything in between. The 3D graphics allow you to view your bridge from any angle including a first person train view - its like being strapped to the front of the train when your bridge is first tested...
More information on Bridge Construction Set:
Try the demo today:
Purchase the full version for only $9.95 on June 30th:
About Chronic Logic:
Located in Santa Cruz, California, Chronic Logic LLC was founded on the premise that a small development team can make games that are original, dynamic and fun. Chronic Logic has continued to develop and distribute fun and original games such as Pontifex, Bridge Construction Set, Triptych, Gish and Kingdom Elemental.
About Game Du Jour:
Game du Jour, launched in December 2006, is the first company in the world to offer one deal a day in the indie and casual PC games market. While the company aims to be best known for its daily deals, Game du Jour is at its core a marketing partner to game developers, giving those companies the opportunity for a rush of sales and heightened brand exposure during their products' 24-hour life cycle at For more information about Game du Jour, visit