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Kingdom Elemental Support / Re: Windowed mode?
Last post by Chronic Logic - Josiah - July 17, 2014, 10:22:12 PM
Windowed mode has been added with the latest release (1.73).

Kingdom Elemental now on Steam:
Kingdom Elemental has just been updated and is now available on Steam. Kingdom Elemental supports Steam Achievements and I am working on adding Leader Boards for Destiny!

Kingdom Elemental has updated to version 1.7
Kingdom Elemental version 1.7 now includes:
-Widescreen resolution support
-Windowed mode support
-Now supports a wide range of screen resolutions
-Several minor bugs have been fixed
-Window 8 support has been added
-Minor changes to menus
-Steam Achievements added for Steam version
-Steam Leader board support partially added for Steam version.

If you have already purchased Kingdom Elemental from Chronic Logic you can get your free Steam key here:
Collect Steam Key

Kingdom Elemental is also on sale:
Kingdom Elemental with Steam Just $4.95!

New Game Ideas / GTA game with whole world map(...
Last post by Tomukhask - May 04, 2014, 11:58:29 AM
I know it will be very hard to create game like this , but that will be amazing .  ;)
General Discussion / Really High FPS
Last post by fanneyjack - April 13, 2014, 11:35:48 AM
 Anyone else getting really high fps? I get like 600. Is there any way to limit it? I don't see any vertical sync option. I'm afraid its going to damage my gpu.
General Discussion / Gish causes BSOD after about 5...
Last post by fanneyjack - April 13, 2014, 11:23:47 AM
 I picked up Gish in the Indie pack a few days ago. Every time I play the game I get to about 5 minutes in before it locks up my PC and then blue screens. The error log is showing its caused by a graphics driver, but I have since tried both updating to the latest version and rolling back to previous versions. It also fails to keep any of the progress I made, not even the profile name I create :/

It's a real shame because it seems like a really fun game. Anyone have any ideas?


Vista 32 bit
2.1Ghz dual core cpu
4GB ram
Nvidia GT 130m (yes, its a laptop card. But it has had no trouble running anything from original HL to Crysis just fine... Well, except this apparently -.-)
General Discussion / Gish on Mac? Showing up on my ...
Last post by fanneyjack - April 13, 2014, 10:50:09 AM
I'm a mac user. I've noticed that recently (over the past two days or so) Gish has been in my list of games that I can download and play, but when I try to install it, during the "preparing files" part it will suddenly stop and says that the "steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request." It's done this for the past two days. So... uh.. I was just wondering if it's just that Gish hasn't been OFFICIALLY released, but that it's about to, and so it's showing up on my list, or if it's just a glitch.
General Discussion / Gish won't recognize my 360 co...
Last post by fanneyjack - April 08, 2014, 03:50:46 PM
In options under 'Joystick' it says 'None' and clicking on it won't change it. Any ideas?

P.S. I tried googling this and found no answers.
General Discussion / Gish Fan Art
Last post by fanneyjack - April 08, 2014, 03:46:11 PM

Hope you like it!
If you have an account at please leve a comment and maby even fave? thanks =D
General Discussion / Gish Giveaway
Last post by fanneyjack - April 08, 2014, 03:42:39 PM
I found a lost key in the middle of all these Humble Bundles I bought and decided to give it here.

I replaced a number in the key with an asterisk, substitute the correct value and the key is yours!

Gish Support / Re: Gish Launcher in Ubuntu
Last post by SimpleLizard - April 04, 2014, 06:54:50 PM
Nothing much, really. Gish_64 is just a version used on 64-Bit machines