Bounty hunter affected by witch's curse when witch is marked - CONFIRMED

Started by Chronic Logic - Josiah, January 08, 2010, 01:04:33 AM

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Chronic Logic - Josiah

Bounty hunter affected by witches curse when it has the witch marked


If a bounty hunter has an enchanter marked, and the enchanter is given diplomatic immunity, the enchanter can stun the bounty hunter.  Is this intended?


There are lots of bugs like that. Allready posted all of them. Any general ability will still trigger.
Same about the sycophant. When its immune to allies, the abjurer's ward still work, the feathered serpent rebirth still works, the damage reduction still works, everything still works. Same about armistice. Same about dracolich.



it is intended as it's like this, Bounty hunter marks enchanter and  is immune to enchanter enchanter is given diplomatic immunity and are thus immune to bounty hunters ability canceling it out and can then stun it, the real issue is that the skill diosn't snap off when the bounty hunter is stunned like other skills does
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