Oki.. seriousness this time..!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by orealis, April 10, 2002, 04:49:35 PM

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lets see..

1. FULL 3D rotation.. (with middle mouse button support?)

2. point/joint snap in true 3D space.. to be honest.. i find that plane u gotta push back and forth immensly annoying and very unpractical to work with for that truly 3D build and creative experience and unfoldness..

3. Custom materials.. like you can edit materials.. make alloys..composit materials.. (not just metal but lets say carbonfibre cables instead of just steel ones..) or even have WOODEN BRIDGES.. now theres a challenge for a 300meter gap..
etc save as profiles for export and have them built into the exported bridgefiles..

4. the abillity to set a spesific amount of materials of a spesific sort that MUST be used and stuff like that.. or have a level with a partially built bridge that like the train has to pass over for xample..


6. CAR support..imagine importing rushtraffic profiles for the Golden Gate..and have 250 000 cars pass over ur bridge in a day.. along with the traffic jams on the middle causing extra weight and strain etc.. to make bridgebuild analysis even better (and have the sun rise. cross the sky and set while ur watching.. have the test run for 2 weeks or a set amount of hours.. or a rushour period etc instead uf just a train passing)

7 Multitrack Trains/(Roads for Cars,trucks) Like i wanna see 2 trains cross eachother on the bridge?? maybe at diffrent points on the bridge and not JUST the center..

8. Multilevel bridges.. some have trains on 2 levels for xample.. or when cars (please)gets added. cars on top.. trains underneath..

9. More and better cameramodes.. like a camera OVER the train that u can zoom in/out.. dolly/track/etc.. one that follows the train from the side while it passes.. (multiple viewports folloiwing each train if theres more than one..etc) and on and on..

10. Customizeable trains.. (colors..heh import of 3D models?) well i thought mainly load.. The trains looks to all be passenger carts with pretty similar weight on each cart.. imagine a loooooong train with a bunch of seriouly heavy cargowagons at the back?..

just a few dimes from me..


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