Kingdom Elemental Patch

Started by Chronic Logic - Josiah, April 20, 2007, 01:14:08 AM

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Chronic Logic - Josiah

Now that Kingdom Elemental has been out for a couple of months we are working on a patch for the game.  If anyone has feedback or ideas for things they would like to see in the next patch please post it here!

Chronic Logic - Josiah

Here is a list of the current additions to Kingdom Elemental in version 1.4:

-Updated readme.txt
-Firestorm has new sound
-Updated credits for voice actors
-Key to toggle mouse inversion ( I Key)
-Fixed if you target a unit that is out of range with a skill, and then that creature dies before you can use the skill, your unit will target another creature with the skill.
-Fixed selecting dead units by using a skill like res or summon skeleton while paused and then right click on the ground and click on a dead unit on the interface bar.
-Fixed double interface on the bar bug where unit descriptions and icons would both show on the interface bar at the same time.
-Fixed targeting Priest, Familiar, Skeleton, and Elementalist right when they die with spells like resurrect and summon skeleton
-Story screens now have a map
-All new story
-Updated a whole bunch of the units voice lines
-Camera shakes when dragon dies
-Fix crash bug with familiars when they die
-Added note about keys for camera tilt and mouse inversion to load tips
-Make scarecrow show up on interface bar for targeting
-Make Kobold in tutorial show up on interface bar for targeting
-Fixed Swordsmen facing the wrong way in tutorial
-Fixed he shadows on level one facing the wrong way
-F toggle health bars.
-Fixed if you summon a skeleton while you have another necro selected with his summon skeleton target up, you will get all the alive units to pop up in the interface bar and you can target any of them and turn them into a skeleton, this works on everyone, include your own units and bosses.
-Made the game easier.
-Add keys for Tilt
-Improved the bears flame particles
-Now taunt does not fail
-Redid Archer character
-Units show visual signs of injury
-Reordered level 1 to make difficulty ramp smoother
-Auto updater for full version
-Each round now starts with the unlock screen
-Re-labeled level of difficulty
-Can target with skills outside of range and the unit will move towards target and then use skill
-Cleric has a bit more hp (70 instead of 45)
-Units start from the center of the placement box, preventing the dreaded getting caught on the front lines.
-Redid lock art
-Unit descriptions talk about their strengths and weaknesses
-Increased the overall game speed to give it a quicker pace and better feel.
-Add Camera Tilt
-When Unit's health gets low the health bar flashes
-Units that are on fire don't have flames
-Redid bear

We are also looking for feedback on how to improve Skirmish Mode.  If you have any feedback please post it below!


Played the new patch this morning, all the changes are great. Love the new Lock graphic. Although, it seems like there were a few times when Taunt failed (thought it was made to always succeed now?), but it was only on boss or sub-boss type guys, so that may be intentional. The increase in cleric health is great.

Some suggestions:

* When a unit is assigned to a group (via Ctrl), display the units group number either in the info bar or next to his floating health bar when he is selected

* Ability to skip through the fade-in at the main menu by hitting a key

Some dreams:
I know these aren't particularly simple changes or additions, but that being said, these are some things i'd *love* to see included.. maybe for the sequel?" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

* Campaign/Level editor. Pick a map, and assemble your rounds, each with their own set of waves. Could more easily be something done outside of the game, even an XML or INI type input would suffice..

* Unit editor. Ability to modify, or even to add entirely new heroes. If the heroes could be read in via external files to begin with, these kind of modifications would be relatively simple. Alas, I know this is the kind of thing that has to be done at the root of a project" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

Haven't gotten around to trying skirmish mode yet, will give it a whirl tonight!


I think:

Aw, damn you know what I think.

I love the new health bars flashing, they need a sound to accompany!

Digging the new models!

Digging the bloody textures!

Love the new spell casting out of range feature, it as close as I think we should get to queuing up moves!

Skirmish mode...

should maybe include a full sandbox mode where like nefarious suggested you have a campaign editor. Being able to pick out any amount of heroes, any baddie or boss (that you've unlocked) to practice against.

How about a Boss/Gauntlet scenario, where you come up against boss after boss after boss with a preset of money/resources.

I'll come up with more


Hey, i just got this version at 4 am tonight so I didn't play it all that much. Overall from what I saw, I like the changes. Lot of little improvements.

One thing I would like to see though, is when you select a bunch of one unit. Especially archers, I love to use archers when I play. And speaking of those.. they got hotter... ;P

One thing i like to do is tell all my archers to launch their fire arrows, when you have a group selected, it would be really nice to be able to tell them to all fire their arrows at once at a particular target. Group commands...


Ohh.. and here's a UI feedback I made a while ago. Some of it is still relevant, it's just a bunch of little polish things." target="_blank">" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Chronic Logic - Josiah

I think almost everything in the doc has been addressed in the patch or UI changes before release" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>


While playing KE, I some how managed to glitch it out which at one point causes the game to crash with a 'Memory Access Violation.'

I tried to recreate the incident to find out what caused the crash, but the most I can recreate is the interface glitch.  Here's what I did: Pause, Select a group of units with the green box, and then click both the left and right button on the mouse at either at the same time, or quickly following the the previous click.

What happens is that the screen that displays all the units (like when you just click somewhere else on the screen) is displayed underneath the one for a current unit.  So say, Eaman Helyann's individual unit screen overlays the entire units listing screen.

I am only currently able to recreate the glitch by spamming the between the 2 left and right mouse

Another problem was that (this was probably due to the crash that happened earlier) after playing the campaign for a few levels, I quit to play the Skirmish, but when I went back to the campaign every time I tried to continue my campaign the main menu would just load back up again.

Some thoughts:
*making the skill bubble that hangs over the units health bar a more noticeable color - right now it looks too similar to the ends of the health bar, and when all the units get bunched up it gets hard to see.  Also, may be the tutorial could quickly mention the skill bubble.

*placing a similar bubble representing a usable skill next to its respective unit on the right click screen (displays all the units) would be nice - When I first started playing I though the screen already did that but I realized the 'bubble' underneath the leftmost character is a 'bolt' from that screen's interface.

*panning around the field (which I know can be done using WASD or moving the mouse to the perimeters of the screen) by holding down both mouse clicks - It seems so natural while playing to do even more with just the mouse (this desire to try and pan with both clicks held down is probably how I glitched KE the first time), and your other hand on the space bar to pause with.  Also, it kind of annoyed me when I would set up my camera just right, and then if I moved my mouse too far on accident it would shift my view way off.

*Eventually group command would be a nice feature ^.^v


Just somethings I'm noticing while I'm playing:

* archer, bard', druid's pool of blood forms where they are standing when they die, not where they actually throw their body down. >.>

I was able to get another crash with a 'Memory Access Violation.'  Not too sure what could have warranted the crash this time, but I was playing the Skirmish mode, and actively trying to get one or more of the units to kite monsters for me for fun.  I try and bunch up the placement of units with one another, or place the units at the closest to the perimeters of the green box, I can also get most of the unit outside the green box, by going around a previously placed unit that is already near at the edge of the box.  When I hit Start Round usually at least one unit starts moving around outside of formation.  I can also achieve this by selecting  a unit and directing them to move close to the rims of the arena or waiting for the units to spread out and directing them all to move off screen.

In reference to my prior post about the first crash, I think it may have been an interface crash since the interface was all messed up at the Victory screen, and the state of the game was probably trying to change itself.  However, this second crash I could only imagine is due to my units being outside of the green box, yet I have been able to recreate the event every time without the crash happening again.

I haven't gotten very deep into the game yet, but are there commander like units?  Like a special unique upgraded version of the class that you can only have one instance of, say the swordsman has a special unit called Captain.  ^.^;


Im getting "Memory Access Violation" error messages that crashes KE.

It usually happens when I exit options menu or when I win battle and KE starts loading next battle.

I hope this nasty bug is adressed in next patch.
Btw. When its about to be released?

Im using Windows Vista 32-bit



Chronic Logic - Josiah

We should start testing on the new patch today.  It would be great if you can give it a try and see if it fixes your problem.  We fixed several memory access violation bugs.  Does yours happen every time?  Are there certain steps you can take to recreate it?


My version 1.2 memory violence error started occuring after episode 2:s second or third battle. Everytime when I pass the battle as a Victory I get memory violence error. After that started happening Im getting error every time I leave options menu. I even re-installed.

Chronic Logic - Josiah

Have you tried the 1.4 beta version?


I havent tried 1.4 beta 'cos I havent found it anywhere to download. I would like to try it thou.

Chronic Logic - Josiah